Friday, September 26, 2014

Leaving Nagano, and waking up in the little town of Shingu!

This is where we were docked in Nagano, beside a few very interesting buildings.  

The town of Nagano as the sun sets.

Looking out from the apartment on the ship towards the town of Nagano.  It had rained, and there was quite a wind, so we were waiting to push off at about 6:30 pm.

As the sun set on the dock, there were some interesting shadows, or at least as you can see, I thought so!

Bye Bye Nagano!  Yet another whirly-gig all lit up.  Who pays the light bill?

One of the other buildings at the dock.  Cool design

Some of the locals came out to see us off, and it was very very windy!
We woke up to the town of Shinju, which is quite small and just at the southern tip of Japan.  I think we were the first cruise ship to dock here.  The dock is quite commercial, and the whole police force turned out to check us out.  We took the shuttle into town, which was small and neat.

A train runs through it...make that a train every 15 minutes runs through it.  Right in the middle of town.  Plan for a stop or two if you are going to drive through town.

Nice little touch.  People are so friendly here.  Shy, but friendly, and of course, I am faking Japanese, so I do get a few smiles.

This was the local shopping street.  Covered and for both bikes and pedestrians.  Lots of bikes here as it is flat.

One of the little local stores in the shopping street.

All the shops are so small and well marked.

This was a tailoring shop for kimono's.  

Check out the "paw covers" on the bike.  You put your hands inside while riding to keep them dry.

Kimono fabrics.

A little ladies boutique.  

Typically Japanese, this was a beautiful little bakery. 

A wheely stool!  Very clever.

This was the restaurant we had lunch in.  Really good food, and we were the only "foreigners" there so a few looks, but they are very polite and don't stare (like we do!)

After school, ice cream on the way home....

Make a garden anywhere.....

Shingu is charming, rural, authentic and old.  Loved it.


  1. Loving your posts my dear, I feel as if I am on a ride-along! Perhaps you should consider a career in tourism....

  2. Back from Chicago, Loved it. Also loving
    you blog. Keep it going. Roby
